Have you ever heard of the book “The Fred Factor” by Mark Sanborn? It’s about a mailman who believed in taking the “ordinary and making it into something extraordinary”. He takes great pride in making the people on his route feel special by knowing their names and by doing random acts of kindness. He believes in making a difference and the power of creating positive connections.
At New Vistas, that’s what we believe. We believe in making a difference in our students’ learning, as well as in their emotional and social well-beings because they all unique in various ways. Creating positive relationships with our students is crucial to their learning. We want our students to come to school with a smile, and leave with one, too, while empowering them at the same time! Personally, my goal for all of my students is to become life-long learners, and to realize they have the power to become successful leaders in whatever they choose to do. I often say to my middle schoolers, “Be a Fred”. What I really am saying is for them to start making a difference, and remember that whatever they are doing, to do it the best that they know how.
Together, let’s make a difference!
Ms. Kohuth